Tarros de Chutney: Bobby Baker's brand new retrospective opens soon in Madrid
Drawing on a (Grand) Mother's Experience, Bobby Baker. Image © Belinda Lawley, 2015
Visitors to La Casa Encendida, a stellar cultural centre in Madrid, are being introduced to artist Bobby Baker’s extraordinary universe in a major retrospective.The exhibition Tarros de Chutney opens in Madrid on February 22nd and runs through to April 21st.It provides an insight into the richness and relevance of Baker’s body of work and features early paintings, sketch books, story boards and prints including the acclaimed Diary Drawings. For the first time a collection of ‘Timed Drawings’, made by Baker in 1984 when her children were small will be shown alongside a video produced especially for the exhibition by curator Clara Zarza.As well as a performance of Drawing on a (Grand) Mothers Experience, the exhibition launches Baker’s current project - EPIC DOMESTIC. Drawing on a (Grand) Mother's Experience, Bobby Baker. Image © Belinda Lawley, 2015“EPIC DOMESTIC is my plan to create a Domestic Revolutionary Party fit for the Twenty First Century. For this exhibition I have made the first Propaganda Poster and a wall painting to launch the Party.” Bobby Baker, 2019.You can find out more about EPIC DOMESTIC here.