When the flight cases were all finished Charlie drove the whole set, packed on a trailer, to Kent University where Sian Stevenson (whose name is actually Jo Evans) had fixed up a smart and helpful deal for us to rehearse in the new School of Arts building. She also arranged for a ‘real audience’ to come and test out the show and give us feedback. Oh and for a team of undergraduate helpers to work with us. Bumper bargain deal really. I was staying in a gloomy basement bed-sit with budget TV channels, cooking facilities and light. It was all rather daunting, as my brain had turned to mush. I had jetlag (from a holiday in Canada) coupled with pre-preview/show/launch dread. Luckily the Kent skies, great food, top team and a magnificent audience saved the day. The only negative feedback from audience evaluation forms was WHY NO BOURBON BISCUITS?