The Tetley, Leeds, December 2023

The Truth About Reclining Nudes Model No.1, Bobby Baker 2023

EPIC DOMESTIC Propaganda Poster, Bobby Baker, 2019

The Tetley, Leeds, December 2023
EPIC DOMESTIC is Bobby Baker’s artistic mission to fight gender injustice, connect communities, and challenge the unequal division of domestic labour in the home. Inspired by activism, propaganda, and the untold stories of women all over the world, EPIC DOMESTIC is a quest to create a Domestic Revolutionary Party fit for the 21st Century.
The first phase of EPIC DOMESTIC took place in Madrid in 2019, during Baker’s retrospective exhibition, Tarros de Chutney at La Casa Encendida. For this show, Baker was commissioned to produce a large site-specific mural. She chose to use this as an opportunity to announce the start of her revolution and also produced a limited run of 1000 specially-created propaganda posters that visitors took away for free.
In 2023, as part of the UK-wide exhibition The State We’re In, curated by public art commissioner Artichoke for billboards and digital screens, Baker produced the second in a series of EPIC DOMESTIC posters, titled GROSSLY UNDERVALUED DOMESTIC PRODUCT.
On 12 & 13 December 2023, EPIC DOMESTIC presented the Practising Propaganda Party: a takeover of The Tetley, in Leeds for invited groups and the public that included designing Revolutionary Radical and Attractive Accessories; Propaganda Tips and Tricks, including a Postural Performance and Practice Parade; Propaganda give-aways made by Bobby; and the presentation of Subversive Sandwiches created by women supported by the organisation Women’s Health Matters, which champions freedom for disadvantaged women and girls so they have a fair chance at a better life.
The aftermath of the party – a total installation in which traces and evidence of the party could be encountered – remained open to The Tetley’s public audiences from 14 to 17 December.
EPIC DOMESTIC in Leeds was part of Leeds 2023 Year of Culture. It is supported by Unlimited, Arts Council England and The National Lottery Heritage Fund. It was delivered in partnership with Women's Health Matters and The Tetley.
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